

I went into town today as I had arranged to meet my friend N for lunch sometime last week. I had been expecting it to just be the two of us, until last night when my friend A (the clingy one I have been avoiding a little), rang me asking if we could meet earlier as the time I'd arranged wasn't convenient for him.

To be honest I was a little pissed off by this, as yet again he had managed to invite himself to something I was doing with a friend (well N may have invited him but still), and secondly, now he wanted to change things to his convenience.

I explained how I couldn't do midday as I was working till 2pm and so the time stayed put.

As it turns out, he wasn't so annoying and the 3 of us had a nice catch-up without him diverting any of the attention to himself as normally happens.

After we ate, A left to go to Lincoln, and I accompanied N to a shoe shop before saying goodbye and wandering off to do a little shopping/spending of my own.

Topman had a sale on, and after trying on 4 things and then rejecting each one, including this really nice green, thin, rain-coat style jacket with white hood-strings and zips that was annoyingly not the right size, I picked up a pair of jeans that I'd been meaning to buy.

I did also get this shirt. I love Topman shirts for the fitting, but dislike their price-tags, and so as this one was almost half-price it was a must-buy.

On the way home, mum stopped off at the train station so I could get my train tickets to Bedford for Weds.

I'm really looking forward to going, especially after today's stressful evening at home.
It's just getting all to much now, I'm so fed up.
The past few days I've been so physically tired, and have lost my appetite. I feel like I'm stuck in a rut of boredom and feel really lonely too.

Dinner is the only 40 minute window in our days that we are all together in one place. But rather than interact and talk to each other, everyone would more prefer to watch stupid T.V.

I know my parents work really hard, and maybe they'd like to relax and watch telly, but it's upsetting to know that my Dad is more interested in other people and fictional characters than me. Then they dislike it when I express any request or excitement to leave here.

And now I feel guilty as I've just had an argument with my sister.
She's upset with work but that doesn't mean she has to take it out on me.
She can be so nagging, and just keeps going on and on about the same thing, telling me to do this and do that.
Not even my parents act like that.

She's down because her biggest buyer have rejected 5 of the items in her product range, instead deciding to vend their own brand.
Hers is still the leading brand in that market, but she's taken it personally because it was "her" brand, one that she revived from almost dead, and gave a 9-fold sales increase to, 43% of the company's turn-over last quarter.

Now that to me, is so impressive, and people will know and want the leading brand.

I really don't think she has anything to worry about long-term.
All the other buyers have selected products from her range and are requesting personalised packaging, so surely thats a good sign.

Anyway, my MyBook finally came today...so I'm currently organising all my media on it. Woo! I can't wait till it's all done.


Anonymous said...

Don't get rid of that static proof bag from your MyBook.

MyBook like iBook... tut tut :P

Apple wannabe :) He he.

Unknown said...

congrats on getting your mybook!! you must be well excited. don'#t let your family situation get you down. just try and see it as a lesson in what not to do when you have your own.


Azuric said...

I haven't, but why?


Ms. Kelly:
Thanks, hehe it's actually really cool in a nerdy kind of way.
I'm not, I'm looking forward to the next 2 weeks, just need to get out of here for a while.
Anyway, email me with what's going on. Or Facebook. Or anything!

Anonymous said...

The static bag will come in useful to protect the drive and they are specially designed to of course reject static, so it will safe if you need to store the drive or things.

You're lucky I checked and saw this comment.

LJ has comment notifications.

Azuric said...

:-P Well I guess that means you'll just have to keep checking back here regularly then.

Anonymous said...

Which as you can see I've done.

*Cough* LJ rules.