
Dream Spiral | First Dawn

I re-jigged my room around yesterday, and after about 8 hours of moving, lifting, sorting, plugging, unplugging, hammering, and binning, as well as a few hiccups with the internet, it was finally done.

It was so worth it though, the whole room looks so much neater, tidier, and newer. It's made the wall colours stand out more too, Dream Spiral on the window wall, and First Dawn, on all the others.
I moved the bed under the window as that wall space was wasted anyway, and moved the desk to where the bed was so I can now utilize the wall space above it. According to my cousin it just looks like I've moved the door. Fair enough.

Now I just need to get some photos developed from my travels, and buy some frames to put them up in, and maybe another poster or two.

I was having a conversation with mum today over breakfast about going back to uni and also getting a job. I really want a job, in a clothes store, not only for the money now, but job security for next summer. The thing is, the second year is meant to be the hardest. Then I mentioned how I needed to save up if I wanted to go traveling around Thailand.

Her first reaction to hearing this plan of mine was to tell me how dangerous Thailand is, once again an immediate negative reaction. It's so annoying. I know she's only worrying, as mums do, but she does it way too much.

In other news, I really need to finish Harry Potter, I'm surprised at myself for my lack of interest in it. I think I may actually have grown up. Shock horror. No really, I tried to read some last night...but my thoughts were elsewhere.

Anyway, that's enough random rambling for now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mum's are too quick to point out how they can lose their baby boys.