
If I see another motorway this week I think I'm going to scream.
We went all the way back to Kent yesterday, long story.
Still, at least this time it was nice and sunny but not unbearably hot.
It was just me and mum till Watford, where we picked up my cousins, so that my cousin could drive and mum got to rest.

The sky was entertaining for most of the journey, especially when we stumbled across little pockets in the clouds through which sun rays were pouring down.

And later, the sunset was amazing, an orange orb illuminating the magenta evening sky.

On the way back we had dinner at my cousins, and then mum and I drove back.
Typically it was just now, at about half 10pm that the heavens opened.
We were finally home by 12pm.


Anonymous said...

Cool pics.

I like sunsets and rises, all that romantic stuff.

Azuric said...

Me too.

Anonymous said...

Cool. I think next week I might just go out around 1am and spend a few hours taking photos as the city gets lighter in the morning.