
[Location| my room in the little L.]
[ Feeling| thirsty, tired and achey.]
[ Hearing| voices from the kitchen below.]

Just because I don't have an LJ account, doesn't mean I can't impersonate one, :-P

Today was a very emotionally eventful day.

I think the constant underlying issue I've been facing since God knows how long now, coupled with the fact that I'm stranded here with no job, money, and fewer friends, finally got on top of me.

The trigger was having to work even though I felt so tired from the minute I got up this morning as well as my mum pouring out her worries and stresses on me.
I don't blame her, because she has few others to turn to, and well, my parents marriage is a joke. But I can't deal with everyone else's problems at home as well as mine.

That sounds really selfish, but...I have no 'but'. It is selfish. Though sometimes she worries way too much, and I think I've had that problem instilled in me now.

I'm still young, and okay so I'm not sure where my life is going...but I've got so much time to find out where it's going and time to just enjoy things and do what I want, live how I want, do what makes me happy.

Like my sister said as she was consoling me, worry is a state of mind that only I can control.

I'm not going to let it control me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You were meant to link the red text to a Google Map :P

I feel the same as you. My Father was pouring problems to me when I have been in no position to help myself, let alone him.

Sometimes we all need to be selfish. I do.

PS: Use LJ, don't just copy it ha ha.