
Commenting on another blog reminded me that I haven't written here for a while.

That's probably because there hasn't really been much to say, or much point.

Once again I'm going through the hellish, pre-exam, revision nightmare phase that I stupidly signed myself up to 6 years for.
God when people warned me that my chosen path wasn't going to be easy, they weren't kidding. Infact, they were under-stating it!

It does really make me want to make the most of London and free time when they're over.
That along with the fact that I generally feel much more settled and at home now.

I put up a profile on a well known specific-dating "detection" website recently.
Well, I say dating...everyone else there seems a lot more promiscuous.
It's probably not going to result in anything interesting or worthwhile, but not being out is so hard sometimes...this just seems like the next best thing for now.

Oh well. Hopefully this summer I will be much more settled and free, both mentally and physically, to explore...

For now, I had better get to work on trying to pass these exams!


Anyhoo said...

You've got a ASDIC* profile? I had sort of suspected you'd overtaken me, but now I know (ok, so I had a profile once, fleetingly, under duress, then discovered that they wanted money for flicking through thinking "no, no, ew no, no, no, isn't that?" and there endeth that lesson; the only reason I went to T-L-A was because they let you in free with a flyer).

* Which extra letters would you add?

So when are the unmentionables over? And when are the resits :-p? Where are you living over the summer and have you sorted what you'll be doing?

Azuric said...




You are meant to make me feel better, not suggest that they might even be a possibility!

But they're in mid to late August.

The only set I'll (hopefully) have to take however are in 2 weeks.

:-( 2 WEEKS!

I'm going to be living where I live in the summer. And no, apres les exams I will be job hunting. And after results I will plan.

ASDIC? I would try to work it out but my cerebral matter is sore and I can't waste brainergy.

What led you to suspect that I had overtaken you? Because I can bet I haven't.
And what is T-L-A? Is the middle word Late? And the Last Ast...?
If so, then that's the exact same reason why I went in. Execpt it wasn't the TLA (assuming TLA is what I think it is), and that's the only time I've been. So far.

:( I need a SIGNAL-DISTRESS song but Massive Attack was so last year ...

Anyhoo said...

TLA stands for Three Letter Acronym. T-L-A stands in for a TLA used as a name (reputedly, due to the promoter's belated discovery of his inability to trademark an adjective).

Overtakeneriness: Hmm, but you did have a large head-start.

Oh, just figured out the Ast bit. Life would be much simpler if you just said what you were trying to say. So were did you go?

Still don't get the signal distress thing, but the Massive Attack I know was so 1998.