

It's sunny outside, and just like a stereotypical Sunday afternoon, I'm sitting at my desk, enjoying the subtle breeze and bearing the mentally exhausting work load.

I'm listening to some really good songs too, chilled and happy, and the current one in particular reminds me of when I was 16 and how life was so comfortable then. Though it was a comfort bubble in which nothing was real, and which I'm glad I'm no longer in.

It does remind me as to what made me happy then though, and just furthers my desire to find it.

Does it get frustrating to read my blog and have no or little idea as to what I'm going on about?
Haha...I guess that's why no one does read it.

I'm really worried about these exams. Because of the fact that I have no motivation, or am not stressed. This time last year was teardrops, but this year - none of that. Why?!
At the moment I just don't care anymore, I just don't want to work any longer.

I can't wait till they're over though, time to spend with friends and having fun, looking for a new job for the summer, and other things too...

Bring on the sunglasses. Hyde Park. Havaianas, Frapuccino's...


Commenting on another blog reminded me that I haven't written here for a while.

That's probably because there hasn't really been much to say, or much point.

Once again I'm going through the hellish, pre-exam, revision nightmare phase that I stupidly signed myself up to 6 years for.
God when people warned me that my chosen path wasn't going to be easy, they weren't kidding. Infact, they were under-stating it!

It does really make me want to make the most of London and free time when they're over.
That along with the fact that I generally feel much more settled and at home now.

I put up a profile on a well known specific-dating "detection" website recently.
Well, I say dating...everyone else there seems a lot more promiscuous.
It's probably not going to result in anything interesting or worthwhile, but not being out is so hard sometimes...this just seems like the next best thing for now.

Oh well. Hopefully this summer I will be much more settled and free, both mentally and physically, to explore...

For now, I had better get to work on trying to pass these exams!